Welcome toHope TMS and Neuropsychiatric Center
"Our mission at Hope TMS of NY is to provide our patients with the best evidence based and individualized holistic medical care, utilizing cutting edge medical technology and treatment modalities." - Elvin Ruiz, MD, Medical Director and President
These are truly exciting times in Neuropsychiatry. The practice and science of modern day psychiatry has advanced tremendously over the last two decades. These significant advances combined with the latest research in the fields of neuroscience, psychopharmacology, psychology and technology have guided us to a finer, more acute understanding in how we analyze the mind, the brain and the body and the interconnections between them. As a result, patients seeking treatment today have many more options accessible to them and greater hope for relief from their problems.
Hope TMS of NY proudly offers patients these individual-tailored, evidence-based treatment options, including non-invasive/non-systemic treatments for adults with major depression and other neuropsychiatric conditions, that uses magnetic stimulation of the brain to help control mood. TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) is a new and proven method for treating depression. This procedure was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in October 2008 after more than ten years of clinical investigation in patients who failed to achieve satisfactory improvement from one course of pharmacotherapy (medication). For this reason, TMS Therapy is particularly helpful for people who have not experienced relief from antidepressant medications or have difficulty with their side effects.
We are so pleased with the dramatic results we are seeing in the patients we have treated with TMS that we have decided to make this specialized treatment available to as many patients in need of it as possible. Therefore, we have reduced the cost of TMS by 32%. the lowest possible.
The NeuroStar TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) system, developed by Neuronetics, is the first and only non-systemic & non-invasive depression treatment cleared by the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of patients with major depression who have not benefited from prior antidepressant treatment.
There is Hope... Call us Today and find out if TMS is right for you.
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Our Team
From the moment patients walk in the door to follow-up appointments, our team takes the time to create a comfortable and welcoming treatment environment. We want patients to be able to relax and receive the treatment they need during the appointment. With any form of mental health treatment, it is a process that will take more than just one appointment. With that in mind, we will utilize neuropsychiatric techniques along with TMS treatment and other therapies to help the patient find effective methods for dealing with the condition. Since many mental illnesses do not have a single specific treatment that works for everyone, we can help find the treatment for the individual patient.

Our Services
We can help to treat a variety of mental health conditions and recommend lifestyle changes to enhance the treatment process. People may not realize that mental health conditions negatively impact the way the brain functions, including behavioral and emotional changes. With TMS treatment, we can stimulate certain areas of the brain to help enhance the treatment process and the patient’s recovery. This can also help with treating various forms of substance abuse and addiction. We offer depression treatment, anxiety treatment, psychiatric evaluations, smoking cessation, OCD treatment, adult ADHD therapy, chronic pain treatment, psychopharmacology, TBI treatment, PTSD syndrome treatment, fibromyalgia treatment, ketamine therapy and suboxone treatment. We can also provide treatment for other mental health conditions.

Patient Information
Before we conduct a psychiatric evaluation, we will need to gather information on the patient’s medical history, current condition, insurance, allergies and any other pertinent factors we need to consider. Once we gather this information, we will conduct a psychiatric evaluation. It is important to note that this is not meant to judge a patient in any way. This evaluation is merely an effective way for us to understand and help provide treatment for the patient. Contrary to popular belief, mental health treatment does not always require staying at a facility or relying heavily on medication. While medication may be a part of treatment, we will combine with other methods to help patients.