Categories: TMS Treatment

Why Psychiatric Evaluation for TMS Treatment Is Necessary

A TMS or transcranial magnetic stimulation needs a psychiatric evaluation. This type of screening is an indispensable tool for psychiatrists. A psychiatric evaluation can diagnose patients with behavioral, memory, and thought-processing issues. Some common diagnoses are anxiety, addiction, schizophrenia, and depression. If you want to understand why a psychiatric evaluation is necessary for TMS, here are the facts.

To know if the patient has conditions that need TMS

TMS is a non-invasive tool for treating depression. It concentrates on activating certain parts of the brain. This makes it capable of treating other psychiatric conditions. A thorough assessment of the patient can tell the psychiatrist if this approach can help. It has special questions and tests to establish the true mental condition of the patient.

The standard treatment for depression involves psychotherapy and antidepressants. If the patient develops a resistance to these methods, psychiatrists recommend TMS. The psychiatrist needs to be vigilant during the assessment. The patient might have pseudo-resistance instead.

Psychiatric evaluation for bipolar disorder can confirm if the patient can have TMS. The psychiatrist will talk to the patient about behavior patterns, thoughts, and feelings. There could be a questionnaire for the patient, as well. Close friends and family members may also provide information. A physical exam will also take place to support the data. If the patient qualifies, then a TMS treatment can follow.

A patient with OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) must have a psychiatric evaluation before TMS. OCD is an anxiety disorder. The patient has obsessions and repetitive actions. The patient must go through physical and laboratory tests first. Then, the psychiatrist will ask the patient questions about behaviors and thoughts.

Autism is also a condition that this non-invasive approach can improve. The psychiatrist needs to see if the patient has Kanner or Asperger’s syndrome. The psychiatrist will then measure the patient’s intellect and cognition. The psychiatrist will also test the patient’s neurocognitive functioning. There could be barriers to psychiatric evaluation. A few of them are disruptive behaviors, lack of attention, and language deficits.

TMS can also help patients with schizophrenia. The psychiatrist will assess the patient’s behavior and alcohol levels. The psychiatric evaluation also checks the patient’s moods and potential for violence. TMS steps in if the patient is not responding to antipsychotic medications anymore. This treatment can help remove or reduce the negative symptoms of schizophrenia.

To find out if the patient cannot have a TMS treatment

Certain factors could deny the patient TMS treatment. A psychiatric evaluation can tell if the patient experiences substance abuse and seizures. The patient cannot have TMS if there are symptoms of psychosis or previous damage to the brain. Pregnancy is also a negative factor. Suicidal ideations or implanted devices disqualify the patient from TMS, as well. If the patient cannot get this treatment, the psychiatrist will think of other ways to help.

What to look forward to

The doctor will review the patient’s medical history. Asking what made the patient see the doctor will come next. The patient will present the complaint. Determining the medical conditions, prescription medications, and supplements will give the doctor an idea about who the patient is. Questions about personal relationships and the use of substances will come later on. Discussing the religious beliefs and cultural background will follow.

A mental status examination will come next. The patient will need to discuss the history and present issues. This is an important part of the psychiatric evaluation. The doctor will listen and observe. The following are some of the criteria the doctor will use to assess the patient:

  • Physical appearance
  • Mannerisms
  • Mood
  • Expression of thought
  • Focus level

Physical exam tests will follow, which will help the doctor to assess the issues the patient might be dealing with. This test can help identify the type of mental issue the patient has. The doctor can use the physical exam to see if the patient has metabolic imbalances or neurological issues. Blood tests may come next to answer some of the doctor’s questions. The psychiatric evaluation may take as long as two visits. By the next appointment, the doctor will have enough information to discuss the proper treatment plan with the patient.

A psychiatric evaluation can confirm if you can go through a TMS treatment

Psychiatrists need effective tools in screening patients for TMS. Various mental disorders can improve with this treatment. A thorough psychiatric evaluation can help pick the right patients for the treatment. Speaking to your psychiatrist can help you or a loved one get started.

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